Zerowait turned the model upside down.

Over the last two weeks I was traveling around the USA visiting customers in NV, TX, AZ, and  CO.   It is a lot of fun to visit with customers and hear them tell me  how Zerowait has made their storage management and maintenance tasks easier and more affordable.  As regular readers know, Zerowait has specialized in the niche of NetApp legacy support for almost ten years  and we have been working with NetApp equipment since 1998.  Over the years we have built up a large and loyal customer base, and now our  NetApp support customers are  adding our SimplStor product line  to their Storage infrastructure  on an ever increasing basis.

Last week I was meeting with a customer in the Phoenix, AZ area and he  told me that their storage budget for 2012  already includes Zerowait’s legacy support for their NetApp equipment and a SimplStor for tape replacement. 

I was in Denver, Colorado talking to a customer earlier this week  and he said that “Zerowait has turned the storage model upside down.” We laughed about that comment and I asked him to explain why he said that. From our customer’s point of view Zerowait is a service company and the introduction of a hardware platform by a service company is unique. I doubt if it is unique, but it is unusual.

SimplStor is the culmination  of conversations with our customers who wanted a long term, reliable, storage solution that  did not lock them into the proprietary vendor’s upgrade cycle.   By using high reliability proven commercially available components and best of breed open source software we created a storage platform that answers the needs of our international customers.

Before the rush at SEGWhether I was talking to customers on an individual basis or in groups  at the SEG show in San Antonio, our customers were enthusiastic about our company, services and products.



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