Author Archives: Mike

Need Immediate Tech Support?

  Need immediate technical support? We can help! Over the last month we have been working with a customer that had a member of their networking and Linux storage team suddenly leave their company. This left them shorthanded and without … Continue reading

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Expertise is a Force Multiplier

  Cool, Competent, Committed! External threats, aging infrastructures, personnel changes and limited budgets all affect your team’s ability to find a solution to an unexpected problem. Zerowait’s team will listen to your problem and tell you whether we can fix … Continue reading

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Can You Fix It? Yes, We Can!

Can You Fix It? Yes, We Can! When your team encounters a problem that affects your ability to store and access your critical data, there is a good chance that Zerowait has already solved a similar problem. We will listen … Continue reading

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Inflation, AI, and Robotics

  Zerowait Has the Answer! Over the last few months, I have been traveling a lot. As you probably have noticed, inflation has returned to the USA. In some ways, it seems nastier than the inflation of the 1970s. Have … Continue reading

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Storage Rentals, Migrations, & Move Assistance

  When NetApp made the change from 7-mode to Cluster mode (cDOT), customers faced a difficult, multi-stage upgrade path. It required swing gear in the form of additional controllers and shelves that provided temporary staging locations for the data in … Continue reading

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Success Strategy: Strong Roots and Aggressive Pruning

  Flourishing Pear TreeSuccess Requires Strong Roots And Aggressive Pruning Many years ago while working in Singapore I was told that business success requires strong roots and aggressive pruning. I was a young programmer then, not really into horticulture, and … Continue reading

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Survey Says…Objectionable?

  Foreflight Image: Objectionable, Near Youngstown Ohio SURVEY SAYS…? Customers and I have been talking lately about their struggles with their big vendors. “You can’t be fired for going with IBM!” has morphed into “Is there anyone there who cares … Continue reading

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You’re Going to Need Bigger Storage!

I hope you enjoyed your holidays. If you’re like us, even while we’re away our data storage kept growing. Those who store video surveillance data in particular know what I mean! As an example, I was visiting a customer this … Continue reading

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2024 NetApp Transferable Licensed Filers list

  Happy New Year! It looks like 2024 is going to be an interesting year,  many of our clients are looking for ways to save money on their storage  infrastructure this year. Our current list of  transferable licensed filers is … Continue reading

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CentOS – Detour Changes Roadmap for 2024

  Pretty much everybody knows by now that IBM / RedHat have decided to change what had been a successful strategy for getting people to embrace their version of Linux—by providing the associated, parallel free version, CentOS. This bought RedHat … Continue reading

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