Zerowait High Availability assures you of superior reliability of our replacement parts, service and support. You can now purchase your parts from us at

Unlike NetApp, Zerowait ships all replacement parts from our location and provides tested products to our customers with warranties of up to three years, depending on our customers’ requirements.

NetApp Out sources its critical parts distribution and re-manufacturing as evidenced by these articles :

Never for a moment did Network Appliance consider doing its own distribution of service parts.

As a result, NetApp needs to recycle defective parts, many of which can be repaired, as quickly as possible. ….Yet customers are receiving brand new boards only between 20 and 30 percent of the time.

At Zerowait, we consider service parts distribution to be a core competency of ours. We provide superior parts service and support at a fraction of NetApp’s outrageous prices. Just ask our growing family of satisfied customers.

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