The sole purpose of business is service. The sole purpose of advertising is explaining the service which the business renders. Leo Burnett
Based on this quote I thought it would be a good idea to list what Zerowait does for our customers.
Zerowait provides an affordable alternative to NetApp for service, support and upgrades to NetApp customers who love their NetApp equipment, but can’t afford the annual service costs from NetApp.
Zerowait provides transferable licensed filers to NetApp customers who are looking for licensed filers without having to pay NetApp’s high prices.
Zerowait provides parts for NetApp users who are looking for a reliable vendor for their NetApp needs.
Zerowait supports NetApp filers for customers and helps our customers tune their filers to provide optimum performance for their particular needs.
Zerowait ships NetApp equipment around the world in support of service organizations managing NetApp filers for their customers.
Zerowait provides 24/7/365 on call services for our service and support customers.