Website hits
It is really amazing where our hits come from on our Websites and . About 50% of our hits come from the USA and usually between 5% and 10% are from the San Francisco bay area, and about 15 % are from the area between Boston and Richmond. We always get a few hits from Ohio and Illinois, and then we get hits in and around Atlanta and Florida. Three cities in Texas always show up, Houston, Dallas and Austin.
The hits from Europe and Asia are fascinating. Every day we get hits from Beijing and Bangalore, we get hits from London, Paris, Rome, and Cairo. Helsinki and Moscow show up occasionally as do Damascus and Athens.
Currently we do about 10%- 15 % of our business with Asia and Europe, but the majority of our business is still located in the NFL cities of the USA. Over the years, we have noticed that the NFL teams seem to pick locations which have a lot of NetApp storage. Which is good because these cities usually have very good airports from which we can travel to and from when visiting our customers for sales or technical service calls.
Over the next few weeks we will be traveling to these cities quite a bit to help our customers with data migrations. Some are moving up from F840’s to FAS940’s some of which we sold them with transferable licenses, others are moving data centers and need our help to help with the migrations. March Madness in the NetApp storage business has arrived.