As the forum evolves to a life of it’s own, we’ll continue to watch and may answer a difficult question or two –we’ll work hard to keep any undesirable content out.
If you’re seeking other forums for other storage vendors and organizations, check out the Data Storage Wiki –an update list is being formed there.
Secondly, I wanted to share our Data Storage Feedreader –which can save everyone a lot of time by viewing all the feeds from one page!
We’re using Bloglines, a free tool to monitor the data storage conversation (I’m amazed how fast it’s growing) and will do our best to keep up –you can even export the OPML (the aggregated feed) to use in your own feedreader.
Hopefully, this can save you time as we’re pulling most of the feeds from the blogger page on the wiki as they get uploaded (bear with us as we try to keep it updated).
Since I share this same feedreader internally, I intentionally
put many of the HDS feeds near the top. Click on the left nav to see different views of the feeds, the top one is an aggregate summary.
Feel free to share this email with others publicly at anytime, of course we’ll love to hear your feedback for these tools and any product feedback from your blog or the forums (or my email below) –we’re listening.
Jeremiah Owyang
Manager, Online Community Marketing
Hitachi Data Systems
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