Air Race Report
Flew from San Jose into Reno on Friday. Ran into rime ice at 11000 feet and had to climb to 13000 to get out of the ice. Flew to the Mustang VOR and onto Runway 16L at Reno, 30 Knot crosswinds made the landing interesting. The races were great on Saturday, although it was unfortunate that Rare Bear and Dago Red are out this year. Strega had some sort of problem and did not finish the race on Saturday. The Thunderbirds and other aerobatic pilots put on a great show.
On Sunday we flew back to San Luis Obispo. Climibing to 13,000 feet out of Reno took some circling with my normally aspirated engine. At 13,000 feet I was only showing 16 inches of Manifold Pressure. Flying over lake Tahoe was worth the climb.