“first do no harm” – from the Hippocratic oath ( well, sort of).
Don’t you wish that Enterprise storage vendors felt that way? It seems that many companies believe that storage vendors don’t care about the damage they cause their customers, they only care about their quarterly sales numbers.
It seems storage suppliers are doing their customers as much harm as good.
The media seems to be picking up what we have been reporting on this blog for a while now. Which is that the Enterprise storage vendors are successfully destroying their trust relationships with their customers in a quest for more systems sales and revenue growth. Maybe this is one reason why alternative support companies like Zerowait are growing so fast.
The manufacturer’s really need to work on gaining the trust of their customers, currently 96% of their customers don’t trust them. Just four percent of respondents from large companies trust their vendors enough to take their word on a fix.
I would say that the storage vendors have a real problem on their hands.