Yesterday I was visiting customers of ours around Washington DC. The traffic was bad, the weather deteriorated throughout the day, and I had a great time. It is always refreshing to sit down with customers who bring their colleagues in to meet with me and then allow me listen as they tell their colleagues about how great Zerowait’s service and support is. It almost takes all of the work out of selling when our customers recommend us so highly to their peers : ) . All I have to do in these situations is confirm that what our customer is saying is true, and that makes it a pleasure to be a sales person. It makes me proud of my staff for all of the hard work they do everyday to help customers solve their problems.
My next stop was at a government agency where we talked about network engineering concepts and how to improve storage reporting and create even better trending information than our current exception reporter program is now capable of. Our inventive customers are coming up with some nifty ideas which we will be incorporating into the next version of our monitoring program. Customers always appreciate when we incorporate their ideas into our systems which inevitably makes our service and support better for them. We deliver the services that our customers tell us they need at an affordable price. It makes everyone happy!
My final visit was with a customer that Zerowait introduced to NetApp back in the summer of 2000. Although we introduced the customer to NetApp when we were NetApp resellers and registered service providers , NetApp took the customer direct soon after Zerowait had done the missionary sales work and hosted the customer at NetApp’s Sunnyvale conference center. High Availability Storage remains a small business, reputation is important since everyone knows everyone. We have been working with NetApp equipment since 1998, so it is no surprise that Zerowait has a reputation for long term service and support, and we are working with this customer again after 7 years.
Quality service and support never goes out of style. Our customers understand our direction and dedication to the idea of providing long term affordable quality service and support. So even though the weather yesterday was frightful, causing the traffic to be ugly, I had a great day visiting our customers and friends.