According to many analysts the enterprise storage market has been shrinking and NetApp and EMC are slugging it out for market share.
The NAS (network attached storage) market declined 6.7 percent year over year, led by EMC with 39.0 percent revenue share and followed by NetApp with 28.7 percent share.
Coincidentally, we are seeing growth in our service and support business this year, as companies look to save on maintenance and extend the lifespan of their legacy equipment. Extending the time between upgrades is one way to get more value out of your storage infrastructure, another way is to manage your storage resources better.
Creating a plan by which you can consolidate your existing storage, and reduce service and support expenses can stretch your budget dollars. That is why more companies are coming to Zerowait and asking us to provide them a free storage analysis and quote on their current storage infrastructure support. Superseded High availability storage equipment can still provide many years of service to most organizations for a fraction of the price of an upgrade.