Over the last few days I went to Canada to visit some customers of ours that have data centers around the world which we provide our independent NetApp service and support for. It was a great visit and they expect to be adding a lot of capacity in their Canadian and US data centers over the next year. In our meetings we discussed issues of storage density and price / performance ratios and how this will effect their storage tiering strategy over the next couple of years. These NetApp users can’t cost justify NetApp storage for their archival and tertiary storage needs any more. A big problem in archiving for them is that they have hundreds of volumes on their Filers. Our SimplStor, with its single namespace, would provide them with several advantages and reduce their costs of archival storage dramatically.
Zerowait’s SimplStor solution which can put a Petabyte in one rack, with a single namespace, makes a lot of sense for this customer’s application which needs reliability, high density, and low acquisition cost.
Looks like 2011 will be another interesting year.