Yesterday I was visiting with customers around Baltimore and one of our customer’s offices overlooks the Constellation. It was a nice day and the view of the ship was perfect. I had a good day of visiting customers and all of the folks I visited are struggling with their costs of storage and storage growth issues.
The issue of resources, technology, and upgrade costs are on everyone’s mind in the IT space. Clearly corporate budgeting is being effected by the uncertain US tax environment and the increase in the costs of business that is due to hit US businesses in January. Uncertainty is driving many decision makers to be cautious and only purchase the IT equipment that is needed to get by.
Our third party NetApp support business is growing in companies that are purchasing new NetApp equipment, as well as with customers that are buying transferable licensed – off lease equipment, and our customers that are just expanding their storage on their Legacy filers. Zerowait support and equipment offers a high availability alternative for our customers with tight budgets.
Additionally, every one one of the customers I met was looking at affordable alternatives to NetApp storage and considering our SimplStor product line as the alternative they would select because of Zerowait’s excellent service and support. For over 20 years we have been providing outstanding customer service to customers requiring high availability technology services, and it has grown into a global business.