Over the last few months the Zerowait‘s customers have been telling us that their budgets are uncertain and that they would be putting off new equipment purchases for a while. There seems to be an inverse correlation between the growth of our NetApp legacy support business and the reported drop in USA manufacturing activity.
July 2, 2012 http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304211804577502543898983040.html
The U.S. manufacturing sector contracted in June for the first time since July 2009 as new demand crashed, according to data released Monday by the Institute for Supply Management.
The ISM’s manufacturing purchasing managers’ index plunged to 49.7 last month from 53.5 in May. A reading above 50 indicates expanding activity.
As Business and Economic uncertainty increases, more customers are seeking a reliable and dependable source for affordable enterprise storage support and upgrades. Zerowait has been providing high availability service and support to NetApp users for over a decade and we have grown into an international company through the recommendation and referrals of our customers.
The caution lights are on, and CFO’s are putting storage budgets on hold. That means affordable alternatives must be found and Zerowait is the logical choice for many customer looking for a safe harbor in these unpredictable times.
If you are in a quandary, and trying to work through your puzzling budget process, why not consider a Zerowait support alternative for your NetApp equipment? Zerowait has the answer.