Imagine if every memory since the beginning of the human race had been saved, how much storage would that take? To generations in the future it might seem that humanity had a sudden spark of collective memories since almost every piece of data is going to be stored for all time, and for all the future generations to research. According to the European Court there is not a “right to be forgotten”
“A ruling this morning from the European Court of Justice has said that Google does not have to delete personal data from its search index, in a case that could have huge ramifications for web privacy and the so-called ‘right to be forgotten.” From the article: EU Advocate General Niilo Jääskinen said ‘Google and other search engines are not subject to privacy requirements under current European data protection law. Search engine service providers are not responsible, on the basis of the Data Protection Directive, for personal data appearing on web pages they process,’ he said in his official ruling, published by the court. He went on to explain that based on current laws citizens do not have a right to be removed from search indexes within the framework of the Data Protection Directive. ‘The Directive does not establish a general “right to be forgotten.” Such a right cannot therefore be invoked against search engine service providers on the basis of the Directive,’ he said.
As a Data Storage company, this court decision signals growth in our sector and we are looking at ways to help our global customers cope with the data storage explosion that is coming. If all data can be stored forever, there is going to have to be some standards emerging on how to keep and search the archaic data that all governments, companies and families will be keeping. Proprietary solutions, by their very nature, are not going to be the standards and so there are going to be an emerging set of LINUX and open source archiving tools and standards that everyone can use.
Encryption tools will also be standardized, and there will be digital lock smiths emerging that can open “data safes” of information. There are many unforeseen business opportunities that are going to emerge as data grows; history has a way of repeating itself and the data explosion will create completely new business sectors.
Today Zerowait’s main businesses are the independent support of NetApp equipment and the sales and service of our SimplStor line of open source archival storage. As storage grows it will continue to commoditize and we are going to be adding tool sets to help our clients manage and mine their data and provide other services to them.
The European Court has ensured that data storage is going to grow even faster, that ‘Big Data’ will be everywhere, and Zerowait is positioned to help organizations handle the growth of storage without breaking their budgets.