Author Archives: Mike

Your Satisfaction is our Goal

Here’s a note that we received a few days ago from one of our long-term (13 years!) NetApp support customers: ”I deal with a lot of service providers and I have to say that Zerowait has been the best. You … Continue reading

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Where does the Buck Stop?

As President of Zerowait it is my responsibility to make certain that our customers receive quality service and support. If a customer is not satisfied, I must figure out what happened and ensure that our solution will solve the problem. … Continue reading

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Data Storage Rainbow

Traveling to Charlotte, NC to visit a customer I am often asked in meetings with big companies, “Why should we work with Zerowait?” The short answer is that big companies need small companies to get things done quickly. The long … Continue reading

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R & D: Essential to Staying on Course

At Zerowait we view Research and Development (R&D) as an essential ingredient in our successful business recipe. Most times our R&D comes out of a customer asking us a question or requesting a new feature. We are always looking to … Continue reading

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A Great Dog Makes a Big Difference

  Zerowait’s team members have been bringing their pets to the office for many years, and this week we welcomed Riley Beard, a golden lab puppy. Riley joined Zerowait’s engineering team and has been watching closely while Shane answers customers’ … Continue reading

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NetApp / Microsoft Authentication Solution

  The Zerowait team has found a solution for NetApp users that will be affected by Microsoft’s final enforcement on July 11th of their security policy (CVE-2022-38023) and the associated authentication issues it may create with NetApp Filers. We have … Continue reading

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NetApp / Microsoft Authentication Issue

The Zerowait team has learned of an issue affecting NetApp users with legacy systems and also some newer units. We are working on ways to help customers work through the issue to provide uninterrupted data delivery from their Filers. 1) … Continue reading

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First, Put Out The Fire!

  For the most part, data storage “just works”. That’s not only a result of great equipment, but also diligent administration and top-notch maintenance support. Even with all that, occasionally we get called in when things have gone critical; and … Continue reading

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A Reputation Is Earned Over Time

  Last month, I was speaking to a Canadian customer about his NetApp technical support requirements, and he mentioned that the OEM’s support seems to be in decline. He also said that the well-known organization that he uses for his … Continue reading

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Slash Backup Bandwidth Usage!

  Last week, I was speaking with a colleague over coffee about an issue we encountered this winter with an organization whose NetApp SnapMirror backups to a remote site were not completing. There was too much data being sent nightly … Continue reading

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