How much have you snooped around the blog site? Have you noticed off to the right there is a store link? Well you should go there and get registered. In the store you will find much of what Zerowait has to offer, including prices and how to order.
Now since you are a loyal reader of the Zerowait High Availability Blog, I will offer you this tip. After you decide what you want, don’t just order it, call Zerowait first, not only can they make sure it is really what you need, but they may also be able to offer you a discount or a new lower price. Besides it is always nice to have human to human interaction every once in a while.
Have a great weekend! I am off to St Kitts again, with stops in Myrtle Beach and Atlanta. However, before you pack your bags to come along, keep in mind, I will barely have time to get off the plane in any of these locations.