During a typical week at Zerowait I get two or three calls from emerging storage vendors, that would like us to introduce them to our client base. Part of the job of being President of a company is to decide which products are worth looking at. It should not be surprising that most companies do not emerge with a viable product from their labs, no matter what the marketing and sales folks tell you.
At Zerowait, we believe in testing products in real world environments, but we also like to check out whether a company plans to be in business for a while. So many of our customers complain about the orphaned products that are part of their infrastructures, that we check out the emerging companies business plans and finances carefully before we reccomend a product. I don’t want to recommend a product that will become a critical part of a company’s infrastructure, but have no supprt within two years. Not surpisingly very few companies meet the criteria of our customers for a viable product. Extinction is a fact of life on this planet, and also a fact of business.
Business is about profit and loss, but also about risk. Our customers depend on us to help them manage their risk at a reasonable cost. Our NetApp products support business grows weekly because Zerowait is focused on providing outstanding value to our customers. There are a lot of interesting technologies being developed currently and I am looking forward to seeing one or two that can help our customers increase their profits while decreasing their risks.