Yesterday, I received an email from a customer who had been given a quote for a NetApp FAS270. He wanted to know if we could quote him a similar unit. I wanted to know what his application was and what his data growth forecasts were, I also inquired as to the number of clients he had that were going to be actively using the storage from the FAS270. I needed to know these answers so that I could see if there was a good fit between the FAS270 and the client’s needs. provides online test results for NetApp filers and they are quite revealing. For the customer, it turned out that the quick review showed that there were potential bottlenecks in the performance of the FAS270 that could be a show stopper. I suggested he review the results for the F840 and F820. It turned out that these older systems fit his usage and growth profile much better. Additionally , we were able to save him about 50% of his budget over a new system. This is because Zerowait stocks systems with fully transferable NetApp Protocol licenses, ready to ship and configured to your requirements.
Next time you are told that it is time to upgrade your NetApp system, check the specifications and test results prior to making your PO, or give Zerowait a call and we will try to help you increase your NetApp storage while maintaining your budgetary integrity.