Sometimes you are out there and all alone.
Who are you going to call for your NetApp hardware support when you recognize that you might have a problem? Obviously you can call the manufacturer, their SE’s are excellent. But they are going to provide you with answers and solutions to help them sell and support their proprietary solutions. Your network configuration might not fit their standard tool set, or you might be running a combination of legacy filers and newer equipment and you have some questions. If this is the situation you are in. Zerowait can help. Our engineers service, support & maintain hundreds of filers in a tremendous variety of applications and environments. Our customers range from the one man IT staff to the largest outsourcing companies. Zerowait is the recognized leader in third party NetApp support.
So, although you might feel like you are all alone, with a Zerowait support contract and service agreement you can be certain that the best technical staff is there to help you with your most complex NetApp problems.