Quantum leaps or stepping on your customers?
Recently NetApp’s Dave Hitz has been writing about the quantum leaps that his company is taking. But as NetApp makes it’s leaps it seems to leave many customers behind. As NetApp’s customers recently learned, NetApp announced end of availabiltiy of its NetCache C1200 & C2100 products. These join a long list of products that NetApp has end of lifed. When NetApp ends a product their customers have come to expect a price increase on that product’s support services. But customers are getting wise to this tactic, and are increasingly relying on NetApp third party support companies to provide ongoing NetApp support and NetApp parts services. Many of NetApp customers are also puzzled by the pricing of NetApp protocol licenses, they realize that the incremental cost to NetApp of each additional license sold is near $0.00. So they wonder aloud in conversations with us why they are charging outrageous sums for these licenses. I assure them that NetApp is negotiable on software license pricing and it never hurts to negotiate with them aggresively and I always suggest that they request license transferability.
Zerowait specializes in third party support for NetApp equipment. We provide parts, service and support for NetApp’s F760, F740, F720, F810, F820, F825, F840 & F880. We also support the Netcache C1100, C1105,C1200, c2100, C760 and C720. If you are looking for an affordable alternative for your NetApp support why not give us a call?