Let’s clear up some misconceptions about NetApp storage. You may have heard that there is no such thing as transferable licenses, third party support or reliable SRM tools for NetApp’s products. But that is not true.
Transferable licenses – NetApp licenses customers to use their software products and protocols. Their protocols are transferable if the customer writes ‘Transferable licensing required’ on their PO and the PO is accepted by NetApp. This week we transfered the license on an 800 series unit that was shipped to California and is set up and running. There was no trouble getting the license transfer documents from NetApp. If you would like some help in securing your transferable license from NetApp when you purchase a new unit from them, just give us a call. We will fax you a copy of a letter of transfer from NetApp so you can reference it with your purchase order.
Third Party Service and Support – Zerowait specializes in providing NetApp hardware service and support to end users who are looking for an affordable alternative to the high prices for support that NetApp charges. Zerowait currently supports hundreds of filers in the field and has several hundred NetApp parts customers who perform their own self maintenance. Zerowait provides reliable service for NetApp filers and we can provide reference accounts if you need them.
The Future – Zerowait is expanding to meet the demands of our new customers. In response to these new customers we are building our parts depots currently, and also introducing our Exception Reporter in a couple of weeks. Zerowait will remain focused on providing our customers long term affordable service and support for their High Availability infrastructures.