Ephemeral Storage equipment

Over the last few weeks we have been speaking to a client that is rather concerned about the ephemeral nature of his NetApp equipment. Although he trusts his data is secure with NetApp, he was not so confident about the longevity of his NetApp equipment. He is concerned that according to his NetApp salesman he is going to have to upgrade his R100 and F800 series equipment, because NetApp is going to end support for them soon. Like so many of our legacy NetApp customers he is aggravated by the constant upgrade path that he is on, his conversation reminded me of the picture of a gerbil on a wheel of never ending upgrades. I assured him that we support several hundred NetApp filers around the world and that the equipment he has is very reliable. He asked to contact some of our references, and got back to me a couple of days later after speaking with them, he had a completely new understanding of his NetApp equipment and the life cycle we can provide him with. He was very excited by his newer lower cost of ownership and maintenance.

NetApp equipment can be long lasting and quite cost effective if you use our affordable alternative to NetApp for Legacy equipment support.

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