It looks like the folks at Sun are going to get serious about going after NetApp’s NAS position in the market. Over the last year it seems to me that NetApp is focusing on SAN installations more, which may create an opportunity for SUN.
This article hints at what might be coming out.
Murdock also refused to talk about Sun’s FISHworks project – billed as a NetApp killer.
Sun has put some of its top Solaris engineers in charge of a software/hardware effort meant to create a solid network attached storage (NAS) appliance. The company demoed this project to analysts early this year, although it refuses to give reporters the same honor.
It should be pretty easy for SUN to implement a cluster fail over like NetApp’s Java Virtual Machine solution.
Perhaps this solution is a result of the Sun purchase of STK and the mixing of the talent pool of the storage engineers from both companies? It will be interesting to see what happens as this product comes to market.