Last week I was in the DC area visiting with customers and I met with a company that is trying to build an affordable and scalable data infrastructure that can be collocated in N+1 data centers to provide fault tolerant delivery services. Using virtualization technology, global load balancing and NAS storage they are trying to build an adaptable infrastructure that offers several advantages over their competition.
Their challenge is that they need to build a test rack with servers, switches, storage and components and debug the infrastructure before they send it to their remote collocation centers. They asked our engineers to help them specify the components, build out the architecture and help them with testing and debugging. They have also asked for our help with shipping and the logistics of getting equipment to the right place so that the data transitions can be accomplished without any downtime.
I also visited a large federal government agency that is a customer and is trying to figure out how to get by without overspending their sequestered budget. As an old customer they recognize that Zerowait can save them an enormous amount on their NetApp support and we joked that if the Government simply switched their NetApp support to Zerowait’s affordable support they could probably keep the Blue Angels flying.
Government moves slowly, but Zerowait is continuing to grow in the Federal sector and just like commercial businesses sooner or later government agencies will need to find a reliable and affordable support alternative to the outrageously expensive OEM support models.
Data storage continues to grow, and as the costs of storage continue to grow, more and more customers are looking to Zerowait to help them stretch their storage budgets. It has been a very busy first quarter, and I expect the rest of the year to be busy also.