Since the beginning of the year, we have had a number of customers tell us that they need really big storage on premises and that it must be Affordable, Reliable and Scalable. Some of our clients wanted us to design and bring to market a SimplStor as a VTL and others wanted it for their unstructured data. Our customers have considered the cloud for their big storage and found that it was expensive to recover from a cloud storage provider, and for others there are data security concerns and requirements that certain data must stay on site for data preservation, insurance and compliance reasons.
Our NetApp and SimplStor customers and hardware partners in Europe, North America, and Australia worked with us over the last few months to design a flexible platform that could meet their changing needs over time, scale easily to a Petabyte in under 10 U and expand to at least 6 Petabytes in a standard rack and it must include Zerowait’s global engineering support, service,and parts
Working together with our customers and hardware suppliers we designed a complete solution that met their requirements. SimplStor PB is available today offering 1 petabyte in 8U with 1 year of support (monitoring, 24/7 access to engineers and Next Business Day parts) — your own onsite storage, all for less than $100,000! Further, it is scalable to 7.5 Petabytes in a single cabinet with 3 years of support for less than $1,000,000! No monthly fees, and you have total control of your data.
If you would like to discuss this solution which provides you with the flexibility needed to migrate your data to a very affordable and scalable storage solution, please feel free to contact us with a time/date to arrange a conference call with you and your team.