As budgets tighten and storage and networking demands increase our customers have found a simple way to extend the life of their high availability storage equipment while reducing their capital outlays. By extending the life of their current NetApp infrastructure, Zerowait’s customers reduce their need for new NetApp equipment while optimizing the ROI of their current storage. We have been working with NetApp equipment for almost 20 years and we’ve found our customers can expect a 7 to 10 year life on their well-maintained equipment. NetApp has made support beyond the 3 year warranty period very expensive to encourage upgrades, but our Zerowait Parts Assurance customers receive the same high quality support (NetApp trained engineers available 24/7, auto support monitoring, next business day parts) at prices that allow them to stretch their storage budgets while maintaining expected QOS levels for their company.
Additionally, Zerowait maintains a stock of transferable licensed NetApp storage equipment and shelves for customers who want to expand their storage networks. And for those customers looking to get off the NetApp train and switch to another track, the Zerowait team can help you migrate your data to our SimplStor platform and we will take your old NetApp equipment in trade.
If you are tired of the 3 year merry go round of expensive hardware updates, contact us today at 302.996.9408 or fill out this form if you would like to discuss your migration options or how to get your NetApp costs under control with our engineering and sales teams.