Inflation derailing your storage plans?


It takes a tremendous effort to integrate new storage systems and processes into an already complex corporate infrastructure during inflationary times.

  • Are you under financial pressure?
  • Do you need more time to make storage decisions?
  • Can you afford to make the wrong decision?

Zerowait’s engineering team of Subject Matter Experts has the answers you need !

Due to the stuttering Economic conditions, getting the right solution quickly is more important than ever. Our engineering and technical support provide answers without going through layers of Help desk techs.

The  Zerowait team makes managing, upgrading, and supporting your Storage infrastructure easy and affordable.

Zerowait’s NetApp storage support services, transferable licensed filers, and SimplStor XFS, ZFS and Windows solutions are available now and will help you control your infrastructure and budget  during these challenging times.

Please contact us at +1 302-996-9408 or by email at

Over 20 years providing NetApp Service and  Support 
Affordable NetApp Monitoring!

Zerowait Corporation
707 Kirkwood Hwy.
Elsmere DE 19805
Phone: 302.996.9408
Manchester, UK: +44 161.513.7429
Sydney, Australia: +61 2.8518.1271



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