Last week a customer spoke to me at length because they need a NetApp storage specialist for a few month assignment. He wanted to know if we could help them find a person for a 6 month assignment which is all they expected their storage consolidation and migration to take. I spoke to him and listened closely, and we came to the conclusion that they did not want actually to hire someone for six months but actually wanted to find someone who could help them for a period of about six months while they implemented their changes. After about another thirty minutes on the phone it turned out that all that was really required was someone on call 24/7 and someone who could come in when they needed it.
Our customer already knew that his engineers depended on us for their technical support but never realized that we provide consolidation and migration services also. The customer pointed out that most companies he deals with always push their professional services and that Zerowait does not. We laughed together about our lack of marketing skills for our professional services, but he agreed that he would keep Zerowait professional services his little secret.
Zerowait provides NetApp storage migration and consolidation services . There you go – the hard sell!