Guardians of Storage Assets

Over the last month I have been traveling. Our customers are concerned about how world events are affecting the management and security of their company’s storage assets—repositories of valuable company intellectual property. Each customer has a slightly different set of problems, but they all revolve around three main threats—Energy, Supply Chain, and Economic Uncertainty.

Energy: In California and Europe particularly, energy costs and availability are increasingly unpredictable. What happens if an application or data is unavailable due to power rationing? Will this be scheduled or sudden? No one knows. Zerowait’s engineers can help customers prepare with implementation of a failover strategy to another location.

Supply Chain: New upgrades were ordered; but where are they? Is there even a date given for shipment? Many customers are caught in supply chain limbo. Their infrastructure upgrade is partially completed with a mix of hardware, varying OS versions and firmware, all difficult to manage, let alone perform replication and fail over. Zerowait has hardware inventory and support policies for customers that need to extend the life of their legacy equipment, or bridge that gap while their new equipment is entangled in the supply chain with an unknown delivery date.

Economic Uncertainty: Customers’ budgets and plans have radically changed over the last year due to inflation. With costs rising for everything, they need to be cautious with spending for equipment and hiring. Offloading applications to cloud providers seemed like a simple solution during the lockdowns, but now the cloud bills seem like a force 5 hurricane obliterating IT budgets. Zerowait’s transferable licensed NetApp Filers and SimplStor Storage solutions provide safe, secure, and affordable storage solutions.

If you are looking for alternatives to your storage support and infrastructure, Zerowait has the Answers! We look forward to talking with you.

Please contact us at +1 302-996-9408 or by email at

Over 20 years providing NetApp Service and Support

Affordable NetApp Monitoring!

Zerowait Corporation
707 Kirkwood Hwy, Elsmere DE 19805
Phone: 302.996.9408
Manchester, UK: +44 161.513.7429
Sydney, Australia: +61 2.8518.1271


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