Ready for Spring Savings?

Ready for Spring Savings?

Our customers are looking for three things:

  • Reliable, high-quality NetApp legacy support.
  • Semi-custom storage solutions that fit their specific requirements.
  • Storage administration and engineering assistance.

Legacy NetApp support
A couple of years back, a customer of ours changed to another support provider. When he left Zerowait Parts Assurance, his system was configured correctly, and all drives were working. After two years with this other support vendor, he came to us for help. His Autosupport showed that one of his filer’s shelves were not configured correctly and there were failed drives in the system. The customer had lots of problems with the other support provider, and has now renewed with us! Our customer found that the not so well-hidden secret of a low price is that system reliability has costs that need to be considered.

Semi-Custom Storage Solutions
Some of our SimplStor customers have been working with us to bring their products to market. They need a high-quality hardware solution with outstanding support that can be customized for their specific needs. They learned that dealing with hardware component manufacturers to meet their needs can get really confusing. Our engineers have been designing semi-custom hardware solutions for our customers for over a decade. Zerowait builds our solutions to last a long time and we provide excellent support. If you are looking for a special purpose hardware solution, give us a call and we’ll review your options with you. You will be glad you did!

Storage Administration and Engineering Services
Due to a marketplace shortage of experienced data storage engineers, we have been helping an increasing number of customers with staffing gaps in their storage management and administration teams. Our engineers recently implemented a dedupe and snapmirror solution which solved a backup stacking problem without adding to the costs of bandwidth. If you have a sticky problem with storage, let us know.

Our customers deserve quality service and support, and our team is always working on our systems, tools, and documentation to improve the services that our customers require.

We are looking forward to working with you. Please contact us at +1 302-996-9408 or by email at

Over 20 years providing NetApp Service and Support 
Affordable NetApp Monitoring!

Zerowait Corporation
707 Kirkwood Hwy, Elsmere DE 19805
Phone: 302.996.9408
Manchester, UK: +44 161.513.7429
Sydney, Australia: +61 2.8518.1271

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Sunset for “Magic Quadrant” Storage?

Sunset for Magic Quadrant Storage
The Enterprise Storage business is in a transition similar to the Sun Solaris / Open Source Linux transition a little more than a decade ago. NetApp’s recent layoffs may indicate that locked-in customers are looking at other solutions for their hardware and support solutions. I don’t think customers expect that their vendor’s layoffs will improve the service, support and engineering that they receive.

We’ve been in this business niche for over 30 years, and we have seen this cycle before. We have heard the marketing hype and seen great companies collapse when their “magic quadrant “solutions were overtaken by a new technology that was easier, simpler, and more affordable. A growing number of proprietary storage customers are trading in their EOL “magic quadrant” hardware for open-sourced solutions. Our SimplStor with Linux and ZFS provides data management features and reliability like NetApp, without the EOL, proprietary software and costly yearly software support contracts.

On the other hand, nothing says you have to change your storage now if it’s working! If you have NetApp filers and want to keep them going beyond mandated EOL dates, we can help. Whether you want to extend their life cycle or keep them running for a few months while you do a transition Zerowait’s service and support is a flexible alternative.

We are looking forward to working with you. Please contact us at +1 302-996-9408 or by email at


Over 20 years providing NetApp Service and Support

Affordable NetApp Monitoring!

Zerowait Corporation
707 Kirkwood Hwy, Elsmere DE 19805
Phone: 302.996.9408
Manchester, UK: +44 161.513.7429
Sydney, Australia: +61 2.8518.1271


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Forecasting 2023 Storage Trends


Forecasting 2023 Storage Trends
Happy New Year!

When I was in statistics classes at the University of Delaware, I learned that a good forecast depends on good data. About 20 years ago, I started using our database of quotes and orders to forecast the next year’s business. I prefer a 3-month moving average forecast for quarterly business decision making, and a 3-year moving average for yearly strategic decision making. The Lock Down years were unusual and affected my data and my business forecasting accuracy.

Over time we found that there was a seasonality in the storage market our company is in, and there are two peaks in business. The first is in late spring and the second is between Thanksgiving and year end.

Looking at our data we have seen three trends over the past year:

Based on conversations, notes, and our database I expect that during 2023 these trends will continue, as companies trim spending due to the economic outlook.

If you’re looking for storage solutions that solve problems, and provide the reliability you need without breaking your budget…Zerowait has the Answers.

We are looking forward to working with you. Please contact us at +1 302-996-9408 or by email at


Over 20 years providing NetApp Service and Support 
Affordable NetApp Monitoring!

Zerowait Corporation
707 Kirkwood Hwy, Elsmere DE 19805
Phone: 302.996.9408
Manchester, UK: +44 161.513.7429
Sydney, Australia: +61 2.8518.1271


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Santa Needs Storage Too!


Like Santa’s bag, data storage expands fast at times, and getting it where it needs to go can be tough! Users expect instant access to even infrequently used data, which increases complexity and costs. Zerowait has affordable solutions that fit in today’s business climate.

Our large stock of NetApp storage shelves and drives can provide an affordable increase to your current NetApp storage infrastructure. It doesn’t matter if your system is end-of-life (EOL), end-of-support (EOS) or under current NetApp support. We have storage solutions that will make your boss happy this holiday season.

Over the last two decades we have helped many clients with their data migrations, even when they occur over the holiday season. Zerowait’s data migration recipes have allowed our clients to enjoy the holidays with family, instead of eating cold pizza while working through the night at a data center. If you need technical support or maintenance, Zerowait has experienced and knowledgeable staff to help get the job done right.

Some of our long-term clients have been comparing the cost and convenience of outsourcing and/or cloud to on-prem data storage. In today’s connected world there is a balance: while some data can be outsourced or stored in a shared cloud environment, for security or Intellectual property reasons some data should be kept “in-house”. Our SimplStor product line consists of customizable data storage solutions in a variety of flavors. Whether your preference is ZFS, XFS or Windows, the result is a reliable on-prem storage solution without the hassles or security risks involved with giving your data to someone else to store and manage.

If you’re looking for storage solutions that solve problems, and provide the reliability you need without breaking your budget…Zerowait has the Answers.

Please contact us at +1 302-996-9408 or by email at

Happy Holidays to All!

Over 20 years providing NetApp Service and Support

Affordable NetApp Monitoring!


Zerowait Corporation
707 Kirkwood Hwy, Elsmere DE 19805
Phone: 302.996.9408
Manchester, UK: +44 161.513.7429
Sydney, Australia: +61 2.8518.1271


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Is There A Turkey In Your Data Center?

I have been told that our Thanksgiving dinner is going to be more expensive this year, because of the cost increases in turkey, yams, and pumpkin pies. Coincidentally, I heard that during the fourth quarter we will see a wave of vendor mandated forced EOS / EOL upgrades, exploding cloud storage costs, and new data storage hardware cost increases. With an uncertain future it is imperative that you get control of your turkey and storage costs–and Zerowait has the answers you need!

I like Spam, but don’t consider it to be an acceptable substitute for the turkey in my Thanksgiving dinner. Similarly, I don’t think many of our customers would consider buying NetApp parts from Craigslist as an acceptable solution for their legacy NetApp. Zerowait has a recipe for successful NetApp support that we have been improving upon for over for well over 20 years. If you have NetApp equipment, then Zerowait has the support solutions that you need.

Some of my friends like to outsource Thanksgiving dinner to restaurants or other food colo-centers or Dinner Service Providers (DSP). I have found that the costs of outsourcing Thanksgiving dinner can be significant, and that quality control can waver. Plus, outsourcing storage and engineering can have significant costs, and often the vendor does not understand the nuances that are involved with serving data consistently, on time and within budget. Zerowait has a range of data storage solutions on our menu–from NetApp transferable licensed filers to our own SimplStor line available in ZFS, XFS and Windows.

A good Thanksgiving dinner usually ends with some great pie choices. I enjoy Pumpkin pie, Pecan Pie, and Apple pie. It is often hard to choose among them and I may take a bit of each. Zerowait offers hardware solutions, technical support and hardware replacement policies and many of our customers order a combination of all three.

Above all, Thanksgiving dinner is best when it can be enjoyed with family and good friends. Zerowait has been working with many of our customers for over two decades, and many have become good friends. We wish you a happy Thanksgiving and hope that we can catch up soon to discuss how we can help you set the table for a successful storage solution.

Please contact us at +1 302-996-9408 or by email at


Over 20 years providing NetApp Service and Support

Affordable NetApp Monitoring!

Zerowait Corporation
707 Kirkwood Hwy, Elsmere DE 19805
Phone: 302.996.9408
Manchester, UK: +44 161.513.7429
Sydney, Australia: +61 2.8518.1271


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Preparing for the Coming Storm?


Storage grows in good times and bad. Zerowait is a countercyclical company, and when enterprise storage customers want to economize, we see increased business for our services and custom-built storage solutions. Over the last month we have been very busy with several new SimplStor ZFS orders and a quite a few new service and support agreements for legacy NetApp equipment.

You don’t need an economics degree to see the trendlines. GDP in all sectors doesn’t look good. Inflation, layoffs, supply chain issues, and energy availability issues are affecting productivity. Business is going to get more difficult, and budgets are going to tighten in the next few months.

Most of our hardware ships by FedEx and UPS and there have been some SNAFUs in their deliveries over the last few months. Our SimplStor hardware supply chain consists of several vendors and while there have been spotty issues in getting certain components, we have been able to stock up on things that are in short supply and have had only minor delays.

If you have reached an inflection point and need to make a decision about supporting your EOS NetApp systems, or are seeking an alternative on-prem, affordable storage solution, Zerowait can help.

Please contact us at +1 302-996-9408 or by email at

Over 20 years providing NetApp Service and Support 
Affordable NetApp Monitoring!

Zerowait Corporation
707 Kirkwood Hwy, Elsmere DE 19805
Phone: 302.996.9408
Manchester, UK: +44 161.513.7429
Sydney, Australia: +61 2.8518.1271
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Guardians of Storage Assets

Over the last month I have been traveling. Our customers are concerned about how world events are affecting the management and security of their company’s storage assets—repositories of valuable company intellectual property. Each customer has a slightly different set of problems, but they all revolve around three main threats—Energy, Supply Chain, and Economic Uncertainty.

Energy: In California and Europe particularly, energy costs and availability are increasingly unpredictable. What happens if an application or data is unavailable due to power rationing? Will this be scheduled or sudden? No one knows. Zerowait’s engineers can help customers prepare with implementation of a failover strategy to another location.

Supply Chain: New upgrades were ordered; but where are they? Is there even a date given for shipment? Many customers are caught in supply chain limbo. Their infrastructure upgrade is partially completed with a mix of hardware, varying OS versions and firmware, all difficult to manage, let alone perform replication and fail over. Zerowait has hardware inventory and support policies for customers that need to extend the life of their legacy equipment, or bridge that gap while their new equipment is entangled in the supply chain with an unknown delivery date.

Economic Uncertainty: Customers’ budgets and plans have radically changed over the last year due to inflation. With costs rising for everything, they need to be cautious with spending for equipment and hiring. Offloading applications to cloud providers seemed like a simple solution during the lockdowns, but now the cloud bills seem like a force 5 hurricane obliterating IT budgets. Zerowait’s transferable licensed NetApp Filers and SimplStor Storage solutions provide safe, secure, and affordable storage solutions.

If you are looking for alternatives to your storage support and infrastructure, Zerowait has the Answers! We look forward to talking with you.

Please contact us at +1 302-996-9408 or by email at

Over 20 years providing NetApp Service and Support

Affordable NetApp Monitoring!

Zerowait Corporation
707 Kirkwood Hwy, Elsmere DE 19805
Phone: 302.996.9408
Manchester, UK: +44 161.513.7429
Sydney, Australia: +61 2.8518.1271


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Storage Solutions for Uncertain Times

Every week we hear from our customers about about how inflation, supply chain issues, and layoffs, are forcing them to adjust their plans. Which track is your company going to take with its critical storage choices? Should you stay on the track you are on? Can you migrate to a new track? The effects of the recession and international relations will affect either track you take.

Zerowait has been riding the rails of business for over 30 years. Based on our experience we are able to confidently provide our customers with actionable, affordable routes to take.  If you need technical support, help with administration and migrations, or additional hardware to manage your  growing storage needs. Zerowait has the answers!

Over the last couple of years Zerowait invested in our monitoring systems, support staff, improved our SimplStor custom storage hardware, and increased our sales of NetApp hardware and support.  Zerowait’s NetApp storage support services, transferable licensed filers, and SimplStor   storage solutions  enable you to  control your infrastructure and budget challenges in the current recession and beyond.

Its decision time, which track are you going to take? We look forward to talking with you.

Please contact us at +1 302-996-9408 or by email at

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Inflation derailing your storage plans?


It takes a tremendous effort to integrate new storage systems and processes into an already complex corporate infrastructure during inflationary times.

  • Are you under financial pressure?
  • Do you need more time to make storage decisions?
  • Can you afford to make the wrong decision?

Zerowait’s engineering team of Subject Matter Experts has the answers you need !

Due to the stuttering Economic conditions, getting the right solution quickly is more important than ever. Our engineering and technical support provide answers without going through layers of Help desk techs.

The  Zerowait team makes managing, upgrading, and supporting your Storage infrastructure easy and affordable.

Zerowait’s NetApp storage support services, transferable licensed filers, and SimplStor XFS, ZFS and Windows solutions are available now and will help you control your infrastructure and budget  during these challenging times.

Please contact us at +1 302-996-9408 or by email at

Over 20 years providing NetApp Service and  Support 
Affordable NetApp Monitoring!

Zerowait Corporation
707 Kirkwood Hwy.
Elsmere DE 19805
Phone: 302.996.9408
Manchester, UK: +44 161.513.7429
Sydney, Australia: +61 2.8518.1271



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Do’s and Don’ts for Tough Times

Do's and Don'ts for Tough Times.Zerowait has been through three recessions, and we have learned some things from each of them. Like you, we share a goal of long-term business success. Over the last 30 plus years we have distilled some simple to follow rules to help make it through the economic maelstrom of do’s and don’ts for success in high tech infrastructure administration and management.

What to do and not do. 

Quality, stability, and simplicity are the stepping stones along your path to the other side of the economic storms. Our customers know they can depend on Zerowait to keep their equipment running reliably and our service and support can solve the trickiest problems. During the lockdowns we expanded services to include remote NetApp administration and migration assistance.Zerowait’s NetApp storage support services, transferable licensed filers, and SimplStor solutions are available now and will help you control your infrastructure and budget challenges in the coming recession and beyond.

If you are looking for alternatives to your storage support and infrastructure, Zerowait has the Answers! We look forward to talking with you.

Please contact us at +1 302-996-9408 or by email at

Over 20 years providing NetApp Service and  Support 
Affordable NetApp Monitoring!

Please Remove From List

Zerowait Corporation
707 Kirkwood Hwy,
Elsmere DE 19805
Phone: 302.996.9408
Manchester, UK: +44 161.513.7429
Sydney, Australia: +61 2.8518.1271


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